Top 5 Freebies for week of April 21, 2014:
All of the following resources are available for FREE on All you need to do is to register as a user and you will have access to tens of thousands of FREE items as well as amazing teacher created lessons. This week we feature 3 Spanish resources, 1 French, and 1 German.
Cinco de Mayo Writing Prompt Task Card FREEBIE by Island Teacher

This free download for French includes a word search puzzle using vocabulary terms for items found in a classroom. Students must identify the indefinite article that correlates to each item and then find the word. There is also a Tic-Tac-Toe activity where students choose 3 boxes to complete various tasks working with the verb avoir, classroom items, and basic questions in French.
Spanish Culture: Spanish-Speaking Country Mnemonics by Spanish Sundries

A pair of sayings (mnemonics) to assist students in learning the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America as well as labeling them on a map.
German Months of the Year Calendar Pocket Chart Toppers FREEBIE by Open Wide the World
Bold German color scheme and cute graphics, to display the months of the
year in your German classroom. Also includes the years 2013-15. Great for your bulletin board or for when you write the date on your board.Spanish -ER/IR Verb Game - La Maestra dice by I Speak Your Language

Challenge students to repeat sentences filling in the "blank" trying to
"match" the teacher. They score one point if they match the teacher.
When all students have written down a word, each student quickly says
the sentence with their word choice. Then the teacher repeats the
sentence with his or her word choice. La maestra (El maestro) dice:
“Mi padre bebe una taza de cafĂ©.
Check out our all freebie posts.
I just downloaded Spanish Sundries' Mnemonics sheet. So helpful! Thanks for getting these resources out there!