
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Question of the Week: Celebrations

This week we discuss ways to recognize students at the end of the year.

"In my department we give three/four awards: Best Language, Best Language Native Speaker, Most Improved, and a Spirit Award. In past years we have also done MVP awards as well as Students' Choice Awards. We do them for each level: I, II, III, IV and V"
T.J. Troche, Spanish Teacher, Las Vegas Academy of the Arts @ProfeTeeJay

"At the end of the year I have awarded students with "gag awards." I print out a student roster and write down the
first memory I have of that student for the year. On the last day before the final exams I award the certificates. I give a short speech before I give out the awards to let students know they should not be offended and I explain the process for how I decide on the award given. This activity is special and many students look forward to it. In the past I have awarded certificates such as
-Always Last to Leave the Classroom
-First to Class Award
-Most Likely to Misspell his/her Own French Name
-Most likely to write in French in English Class"

-Madame H

"Our department gives the World Language award to students who have showed excellent academic performance and enthusiasm for their new language. These are presented at a school wide awards night.

In my classroom I do student superlatives, awarding students with little certificates with how I will remember them ("Least Time Spent in Seat Award", "Brightest Socks", "Most Trips to the Bathroom"). They are meant to be funny and a way to enjoy our last day together."

"Each teacher chooses an overall top student to honor at the 8th grade awards ceremony who is awarded a pin. Other students selected for their achievements are also presented with a certificate."

Check out this post by Creative Language Class: Hold an Award Ceremony with a list of Superlatives and how our very own German Sektor using Class Superlatives as an activity.

Check out certificates available for download.


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